
The world of mobile gaming is growing substantially around the world. As mobile gaming continues to grow developers are sinking more and more money into their products, and making games that have better graphics, intense story-lines, and fantastic multiplayer. Space, price, and time are all things that are valuable to gamers, so we want to make sure you use them all wisely! Follow us here so that you can get the latest reviews on popular apps in the App Store <^^>

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Grading Scale:

0-1 **Disastrous**-This game is horrible, stay AWAY

1.1-2 **Unbearable**-Not worth the purchase or the play unless your some sort of hardcore fan/Anomaly

2.1-3 **Weak**/**Average**- (Weak) could find better apps. (Average) game could be fun. Show great potential but is lacking in some areas

3.1-4 **Smart**- Good game, we recommend you get it, if it fits your type, even if it doesn’t fit your type, you will appreciate a game of this quality no matter what.

4.1-5 **Pure Genius**-This game is a masterpiece! a must buy, especially if its your type of game, even if it isnt yall should still purchase it and have fun!